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You're the ladies choice!! yeah the ladies choice....O man! the songs are never ending.. The tunes keep running over and over in your head. Its addictive, its irritating yet, there's this thing in you that makes you want MORE MORE MORE! Ahhhh.. Dawn! you've got me hooked onto this movie already! haha. Zac Efron is totally HOT in this movie i swear. I once thought he was this High School Musical boy who couldn't sing for nuts. But now, I see a whole new light to Nickki Blosky (or whatever her name is) is going to be the next biggest star in America and I so totally admire John Travolta right now. He did so well acting as Edna, wearing dresses and dancing in heels! Hairspray is a total must watch for everyone. It teaches one on the importance of integration between the differences between people. Fat,skinny, black, white etc... Talks about no discrimination and best of all,it gives hope to all fat girls, like me that YOU ARE ABLE TO MAKE THE GUY OF YOUR DREAMS FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU! lol.
It was over to Ikea after that to get some pressies for teachers. Dawn and I embarrassed ourselves once again when we chased after a stupid shuttle bus that just drove off. haha. But anyways Thank God we didnt stupidly take Bus 72 and get lost. We managed to get some shopping done and yes! mumsy is back in town with tons of pressies! Thanks mum! I love you! dad too! hahha. I fed your Goldfish! haha.
I'm totally sorry for the things i did and i hope we'll never ever drift apart...
As i wonder along this long narrow road called life, i begin think of all the times we had together. Sad or happy,tears of laughter, joy, sadness.. All our stupid jokes. Garlic mascots.. Nonsensical racist shit... Everything. I miss them all. Each of us live our own lives now.. but every now and then, i think back of those memorable times that we used to have and it never fails to being a smile back to my face. Even if i look like the most idiotic person on the bus because i think of what we used to do on bus 28, i dont really care. The stupid things and the smelly dude at the busstop. My birthday party gatherings and pushing each other into the pool. DAM! i want those times back. and i just wana tell you my friends, that...
YOU GUYS ARE DEARLY MISSED! I can't wait for friday!!
Went out with KY today to watch Secret again. I think i understand the show like better after watching it twice and it isnt that scary afterall..haha. Dawn! haha. I have just come to realize that there is nothing much to do at all at Tampines. Dam bo liao after awhile and we started to walk in circles over and After alot of pleading, managed to move that lazy ass over to Bugis to walk summore and have dinner.haha. Bugis street is fun but must go with more girls i guess. Not much for guys to buy there and its more worth it when girls go together cos can share.haha. But i was fun i guess. Saw this cute little kid in the train. Super hilarious. Went right next to this guy leaning against the transparent plastic sleeping and started knocking it till the guy woke up. Den the kid tried to hide summore. Very funny la! haha. and KY, i'm ignoring you! hahahahaha.
Yay! Little kid, Shawn won! haha. I think he's super cute la! deserves to win. Kudos to a little kid who can sing so well and beat all the older I liked his winning song loads but i cant seem to find it. I have no idea why! haha. But nvm. Rushed home just to watch the finals. Was at the Teochew restaurant at the Concourse to have dinner with Aunty Alice and Family plus Grand Aunt and Uncle. Scrumptious dinner with abalone and all! Thankie mummy and daddy! haha. XD. Celebrated mum's birthday again before she heads over to Bangkok with dad for 3 days. Yay! freedom! haha. will be staying at Ah Yee's house though. Fun but probably means i cant go out till late. But who cares. It'll be fun and i know it! haha. I wana go watch Hairspray! dawn made it sound so dam nice! haha.
In all honesty, i have never met an old man that has put me in such awe and amazement before. Intrigued me the whole of dinner and it really puts young people to shame when you hear the way he speaks and the memory he has. Don't ever say that you can't remember cos you're getting old already. I'll never believe you again.haha. Met Ah Gong Philip Tan today, to celebrate his 96th birthday. 96th!!! can you believe it? and amazingly at 96, he has yet to go senile or have the least bit of "lao ren ci dai zheng". haha. In fact he's fit as a fiddle, speaks perfect English, can remember facts about Singapore's history better than the history books and breaks Codebreakers ( a game that is much much harder than crossword puzzles). He only stopped working at the age of 91 at an audit office at that. My goodness!!! i wanna be like him man! seriously! he is my new inspiration! haha. The whole dinner we were asking him things to see if he could remember them and he could tell us in perfect detail what actually happened. And not only things about the past but also things that are considered relatively recent like happenings in 1995 and stuff. Dam cool la. Imagine being a walking time capsule.... I wonder how it feels like to see Singapore literally transform around you. really from a fishing village to the modern city it is today. Scary i and his nonsense ' magic ' trick.
Ah gong Philip. =)
Happy 96th birthday! can you believe the number of candles?
3 birthday kids! haha. Guess who's 96? haha.
Anyways, Happy Birthday to Ah gong Philip Tan, Mum and Uncle Peter!
Its OVER!!!! Finally! haha. a huge sigh of relief washes over me as i proudly walk out of that dreaded classroom and into a happy land! haha. I'll miss you Ms Suja! O man.. seperation from t102 for 2 months is gonna be hard but no worries! i know we shall meet up! XD. WAS studying at the expo yesterday though. and a funny and intriguing story on ONE guy's life was unfolded. i wonder who he is. for more details visit Dawn's blog. But here are some photos anyways.haha.As you try to study hard, you're going crazy & you start to imagine....
We're bored of medsoc and yes we look like aunties. i
That hurt bad btw...
Dawn is a midget! although once a giant...
Study hard people study hard! only 5 more papers to go! haha
Its pure darjeeling tea i tell you!
We're in space and are random lost wandering aliens...
I swear we look like clowns that scare the shit out of lil kids.haha
I wonder where you are?...
Sarang-hae! <3
Met with the sort of half gang today.was supposed to go eat prata den in the end ended up with LJS.haha. o wells, was fun catching up though! Shu! i'm part of family! hahaha. Loves dear. dont be too upset alrite? Qing too! hahaha. XD
Haji lane haji lane haji lane... nice but,.... not open in the morning!!! or rather noon cos we were there at like 12 and zero shops were open! but the place there is really nice. all the little quaint shop houses with artsy fartsy colors and nice shall go back there to shop again once the hols begin and i have enough money to.haha. Went over to Bugis for lunch before heading to the expo to study. someone got me real pissed but o well, its all over already and I know that God put that situation in my life for a reason. So thank you. Managed to get some facts into my brain yesterday even though i was feeling so distracted and all. But, I gotta study more!!! Exam is like in 2 days time and i'm still here slacking away. lol. anyways some photos from Haji Lane.Bite you.
Haji Lane.
Some shop that we saw. looked like it had gone through the war as a in 'JIA'.
Its Jerald's birthday today, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUDE! HAHA. somebody's old already! haha. I've gotta start studyin PRONTO! ciao!
Didn't do much today really. woke up really late and went out to meet KY and his buddies to study at Singpost. Managed to study like 2 chapters today which isnt that bad. but thing is... I'm afraid it wont last long in my brain! haha. Met Alicia today again and i think it's really God Sent that i met someone like her. Cos its like we have so much in common its pretty unbelievable! haha. seriously la! and she goes to Katong Pres Church too which is like so freaking near to my house! haha.
Anyways after that went back home before heading out to NSRCC to play golf. Dam my freakin short game sucks like mad la! So dam hard to aim properly. Gotta practice more i guess! haha. Rushed through dinner before heading back to pick mum and Aunty alice and family up to watch fireworks and have supper. been uber long since i last saw them cos of JiaNi's O levels and prelims and stuff. YOU CAN DO IT BABE! But had tons of fun anyways! Its always fun hanging out with them. the love we have is like we're practically family already. lol. Fireworks was nice but not that great. expected it to be much better. But being the fireworks lover that i am, lousy fireworks are still better than no fireworks! haha.Tanjong Rhu to watch. The view.
some of the fireworks. sorry lousy quality! taken with my phone! haha.
alright! i shall update it NOW! now now now. been spending moneh watching movies this past 2 days. 2 great movies in 2 days! dam happy la!!! haven't caught a movie since like Transformers la. thats how lag i am ok. haha. Watched Rush hour 3 and Secret. OMG! ok first.
Rush hour 3.
Caught it with Kason and Syaheeda. Met up with them finally after so long and i finally went to the CATHAY to watch a movie. Kason thinks i'm an idiot and all cos i havent been there before.haha. Seats are nice but the food seriously sucks like hell! haven't tasted such crappy popcorn and nachos in my entire life i tell you! Rush hour was hilarious! really funny and amazing shots were taken in the movie. Plot was alright only though but the lines were hilarious enough to make it a great movie. Went for ice cream at Gelare afterwards before heading home to catch Kinship.view from cathay.
The 3 of us. Kason, Syaheeda and Me.
Kas and I belong to this family! haha.
Kason spoils photos! x)
Really makes me marvel at Jay Chou right now. The plot, the acting, the lighting, the everything in this movie draws me more and more to Jay. He actually directed, wrote and acted in the whole movie. How cool is that! The plot is really good and i wonder how in the world he came up with it. But however, the show requires one to be intellectual to understand the story. Takes some thinking and understanding to get it. haha. After that Dawn & I decided to relieve old days and take NEOPRINTS! the last time i took them was God Knows when and we managed to convince Kason to take too. silly boy! was his first time taking and the looks on his face are hilarious!!! haha. Anyhow, Kason you're the man! haha. (even with all da gay
once the voyage comes to an end
return lies within hasty keys"This is an AWESOME movie! i wana watch it again and again and again...
Kason and the neoprints.haha.
Dawn's amazing photoshop The location and the poses... lol.
*Thankie Dawn for da photos! XD
I've got to stop this obsession thats burning within me. You lighted the flame but now i've got to put it out.. all by myself... it all started with you.. but it ends only with me...
ok ok.. like finally i shall start to upload the rest of the photos from Sarah's dinner and Blast From the Past. lol.Dessert was that good huh Tess? haha.
Blast from the past!daddy and his satay man outfit! haha.
Yu Jie is amazingly cute.
She's both brains and brawn!
Hanging like monkeys!
Dam! all of you are too strong!! haha.
Keegan is the cutest baby! whoots!
Grand Uncle and Aunt! Lovely couple. XD
Lina is da best! she came despite that! haha.
Yu Jie with mum.