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Was a tiring but fun weekend for me...eyes are tired and sleepy and droopy,energy level going down.sitting in canteen 2 with everyone around me playing Supertux and waiting for lecture to begin. Just finished my locvid test. err...i can't say how easy it was but at least i could answer almost everything! haha. So i hope i can pass! at least! *crosses fingers*
On sat went and help Dawn and her awesomely (pathetic) crew( just kiddin XD) to do their As usual Mr Jerald was dam shot Tess's scenes first. He only freakin came at like 12.haha. And we were there at 10.haha. Aft shooting like 1 scene with tons of STUFF TOYS...(tsk tsk tsk Jerald) headed over to Sunshine plaza to print ads. Dam happy with the ads like rite now.haha. Met Sam and TH and Dawn after. Bought the mounting boards and basket for press kit! Went out with mama and aunty jan for dinner and shopping! nice nice chicken! hehe. =)
Sunday: Woke up like super early to go to church for service but in the end stayed home till like 10 cos was chiong-ing out the labels la! haha. totally forgot abt it. Had lesson and Lina finally came...Mel was sick so didnt come but Aunty Lee Meng took class which was cool.Met Dawn to go print and have lunch before heading over to Tessa's house to shoot. I freakin walked up and down Lor Melayu FOUR times!!!! Thanks to Jerald and Dinesh..hehe. Funny thing was that i was supposed to be at alvin's house warming but the place we were filming at was just like opposite alvin's house la.which was quite cool so i didnt need to rush.haha. ALVIN"S NEW HOUSE IS FREAKING NICE!!!! I WANA STEAL NOW! shall post up pictures when i get my cam back. Met the gang for a fun time of nonsense as usual.haha. Over to Tessa's house after that for awhile to act as Jerald's sista. Dam comical la! I swear he's quite gay! haha. anyways. blog more pics later. wana doze off now.
Babes are staying over later to chiong marcom.haha. XD
These days have been endless redundant but yet it has been tiring me out more then anything else in the world.Final projects, staying up late to do projects, meeting friends, travelling to school...haiz.leaves me nothing but tired.Didn't blog yesterday as i was in school till 10pm when actually my lessons officially ended at like 1. How sad is that la. Thank God for great company! Stayed in the atrium till 10 chiong-ing my stupid web comm project that can just die! haha. Stupid website la and flash concept...Even after so many hours Mike,Ver and I didnt even finish it can.But i guess its fine cos all the other groups stayed up equally long with us and neither did they finish but theirs is obviously much better then Thanks to DAWN,AMBER AND NESH WHO BOUGHT ME B&J's! Love! XD
Went home and continued to do the little write up for our marketing project ELIMS. So i freakin slept at 1.30 and woke up at 7. Dam! and i still feel tired. Its gonna be hell of a long day again i swear. Have so many things to do and so little time. This weekend's gonna be hell again. SOMEONE GIVE ME 48 HOURS PLEASE!!!!!! GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!!
Currently stoning at KAP waiting for the rest to come. just found out some really comical stuff through I can't wait to tell Amber! hehe.
Ok. I'm like blogging for yesterday.haha. and today so photos will be up later cos i'm really lazy at the Shall start with yesterday then.
Was a really quite a boring day cos all i did was had medsoc and went to digitize tape after But boy did we have loads of fun digitizing! haha. i guess boredom got to us and after awhile of being locked out and walking up and down to find the lecturers, we started to become delirious resulting in retarded!
As we digitized, Rev and I started our torture streak of first by disturbing Dawn and awesomely funny at first. But the poor girl got really upset over her footage and actually broke down a bit so we stopped. DAWN! you can do it without them! Be strong man! You already are really strong for standing up to them! loves man. XD. Amber and the rest also went kinda mad by doodling all over the board and writing all sorts of Next up was Eunice and Dan! wahahaha. This one was like MEGA hilarious la! wa... Rev and I were like practically screaming and laughing dam hard Grabbing and screaming and drawing! haha. Hysteria! I think we scared the other class But we still love ya Eunice! =)
Went for dinner with the guy after that at where else but Glass House again.haha. Haven't met them in like the longest time ever already la. So was awesome but i kept getting bullied until i was dam high. It really is pretty bad being the only But they gotta give in! hahaha. KeQiang paid for dinner so thanks dude! Ben and Tat walked me home. Kason met me before dinner. So all the guys did their part as a gentleman! haha. You guys rock! lol. XD Pictures soon i promise!
Today was really REDUNDANT la! i should have stayed home. Went to school at 1.30 so i missed CATS. lol. (last lesson Stayed around for project meeting.In the end when Dawn,Bak and Amber came, we practically did nothing but divide out jobs, sit there, talk nonsense and waste time.haha. But at least now i'm doing something i know how to do cos my bus ad sucks! haha. Anyways you guys are love and it wasn't as redundant XD
photos up when i'm in the mood to upload! haha. Nite!
and so here am i...
blogging again...
but i blog now cos i was being TAGGED...
to do something...
let's see...
1. papayas are like my most fav fruits in the world. =)
2. i'm afraid of animals but not afraid of
3. i'm in mass comm but listen to cheena music.
4. i like hot guys but hardly ever go steady with them.haha.
5. i like bittergourds.
6. My longest record for not sleeping is 56 hours
Each player starts off the game by giving 6 weird things about themselves.People who get tagged needs to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things about themselves as well as stating the rules clearly.In the end you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names:
the people i choose u better do arh...
1. Kai yeong
2. Dawn
3. Amber
4. Tessa
5. Xiang Wei
6. Verena
Sometimes i wish i had a Bf la. So that he can carry my freakin heavy laptop and be a pillow on the bus for me la.hahaha. like had such a horrid time sleeping on the bus today. Was like super uncomfortable cos my head was like shaking about which made me all dizzy and i had noone to lean Then i was practically alone on the bus too although i boarded it with AJ cos i went all the way to the back but he stood in front and i didn't even know la! haha. sian.
Went of Locvid lecture today which Douglas took over. He's so freaking funny la! his korean OMG is like But the stupidest part was that he didn't take attendance la. So our presence was redundant.
Fell asleep in Clement Tay's lecture and Suja's lecture was quite fun. Amber was spamming everyone with comments on She's sick!!!! XD
You Are 72% Open
You're a pretty open person - and you don't mind sharing the good, bad, and sometimes ugly.
And while sometimes you do catch yourself blabbing on, you usually exhibit restraint.
You're openness is quite refreshing, and it encourages other people to be open with you!
Went to church this morning to help with JSS again. Didn't know that the kids would get soooo excited over passing balloons la.haha. Cute. Went for breakfast with the girls of cos before heading back to SSS. Amanda's back btw haha and she couldn't recognize Ian and James led worship. Good job guys! Found out that *** got engaged today! haha. Coolness la! wedding bells soon! XD. Whee!
Went over to Aunty Ellen's house after to help Serene clear her She gave me so many la! haha. Weirdo la she. So small size den buy the clothes so big and never wear.haha. Its great to have a cuz like her man! haha. Came home to grab a donut from the donut factory ( which happens to be really good. Thanks Jeff!) before heading to Ah yee's house to pass her pressies.
Had dinner after at old airport den went to Aunty Jane's house where i played with this eye massager thing that made me look like Cyclopes i anyways super tired now. so shall post pictures later. when i feel like it.
Was at the atrium yesterday afternoon watching the Hey Gorgeous competition with Ver, Nat, Dawn, Xiang Wei and Hannah. Was there to cheer Jerald on cos the fella got into top 3 in NP. Like how cool is that la. Wait dam freaking long before they actually started la. So in the end we skipped Lis's class to watch. Didn't wana go anyways.haha.
Each contestant had to perform a talent for the segment of the show. So Jerald's was playing the guitar and the hosts made him take off his shirt summore la.haha(OMG LA). while his competitors played like bball( which was pretty horrid) and the sax. We were screaming like some mega retards liddat for Jerald la but i guess it was all worthwhile though.haha. The people around us thought ver and I were like retarded or something. Keeping staring at us. When the voting part came it was quite pathetic la then we all thought that Jerald was gonna lose like BIG TIME cos he had like really little votes compared to the other 2. But in the end he won according to Dan because the judges said that the camera loves him and he looks good on screen. haha. pretty true i guess.
We're all currently so proud of Jerald, so dude! you better make NP proud! haha. Ver came up with this if Jerald doesn't win this then i'm not from NP thing.haha. dam funny la. Cos after the voting she seriously thought she not from NP already.
Anyways, gotta go for some PSP thing rite now.haha. Super sleepy cos was on the phone with SY and KY till like 3 in the morning...haha. O well. Till later! X)
P.S Jerald's the HOTTEST hunk in school! wahahaha. Coolness! =)
Wa... Dam dam funny!!! hahaha.. the stupid test i just took. I know Dawn feels soooo honored now.hahaha. Don't cha Dawn? haha. Just finished taking my marcom quiz. Got like 7 out of 10 with no study whatsoever. Like seriously.haha. So i'm quite happy. Was trying to set Amber up with the HEY GORGEOUS people that came to my school Dam funny la. She so pretty den they pajiao! Never see her in her nice nice
Anyways, shall blog about yesterday. Was an ok ok day la. Went to locvid for camera handling test and got a 4.5 out of 5! yay! haha. Den the horrid part came when Vijay watched our footage and criticized it like hell by saying that alot of our shots were out of focus. Dam la! But he did say got some good stuff too so i'm praying that he and the rest of the lecturers will be lenient and give us a better grade cos we really like our film so so so so so dam much la! =)
Met Dawn and Bak and Hannah for abit of marketing before heading home with Amber to wash Headed to Glass House for dinner with the filming peeps. Fish and Co! Nice nice dinner with great great company! hahaha.. Went with Amber,Darren,Mike,Eunice and our actors Jerald,Ver, Tess and the "managers" of the actors, Rev and Dan.haha. Some photos up but more later. when i get them from Amber and Eunice. XD
Dawn and i at the bus stop. =) I'm rmb her 4eva! haha.
Tess and I.
Eunice and Dan! haha. hmmm. the shirt? lol.
Don't looked so
Jerald and me with food food XD
The camwhored with my =)
Our LOVE is our
Group shot 2. XD
This is like such a weird
He's Da man!
Monkey and me! =)
Dan and me. XD
Jerald,Darren and Me. x)
More more more photos later man! haha.
What You Really Think Of Your Friends
Xiang Wei is your soulmate.
You truly love Amber.
You consider Mel your true friend.
You know that Tanisha is always thinking of you.
You'll remember Dawn for the rest of your life.
You secretly think Erlina is creative, charming, and a bit too dramatic at times.
You secretly think that Sarah is colorful, impulsive, and a total risk taker.
You secretly think that Chian Tat is loyal and trustworthy to you. And that Chian Tat changes lovers faster than underwear.
You secretly think Kason is shy and nonconfrontational. And that Kason has a hidden internet romance.
This is so shitty! I swear i'm feeling dam retarded and shitty right now. Cheryl, WAKE UP YOU ASS!!! you gotta so freaking get bad thoughts out of your head!!! Its when jealousy strikes that these thoughts pass through my mind. Damit la.. I feel like such a bad person. Why can't i just live life as it is? Why the hell do i always put myself in that kind of situation and get myself so freaking jealous? Cheryl why are you so freakin stupid!!!???!!! Why make yourself go through all that shit?!? Why why why!!! Stop putting yourself into temptation already! Enough is enough! I shall never view your damned profile ever again! Unless my mind gets more settled and i can bare to treat you as a friend. GO AWAY!!! Stupid dam thoughts! Vamoosh now!!! I feel so freakin emo...
Your Extroversion Profile:
Activity Level: Very High
Assertiveness: Very High
Cheerfulness: Very High
Friendliness: Very High
Excitement Seeking: High
Sociability: High
this is really how bored i am in
Your Ideal Relationship is Serious Dating
You're not ready to go walking down the aisle.
But you may be ready in a couple of years.
You prefer to date one on one, with a commitment.
And while chemistry is important, so is compatibility.
Shall blog about Saturday and Sunday. All the filming photos are finally Was really really awesome fun. Good actors + Good Locations = A+ ( I Pray) lol. Shall let the photos do the talking.
Saturday:Ver was made poor for the
Scene 1: Alice Meets Gab.
Mike looks like he's gonna Wushu someone's ass, Amber and Me at Halo Cafe.
Random Shots with Amber. =)
Watcha looking at amber? lol. XDFilming the cafe scene. Waiting
Ver enters wonderland.hahaha.
We even filmed in the toilets.And the guys intruded!!!
What are ya looking at Jerald?
I love love love this pic. She has an alter ego.
You ate your props! Tessa's freakin Chio! XD
Bitch Scene.
Actor fell asleep while waiting. PIG! lol.
Jealousy Strikes.
Fooling around with the cam.
Watcha Looking at huh?
Foot + Pok Bag =
Jerald and Ver
You think you big ar huh.
All emo chocolate people.
Our awesome car scene.
The stalker
Playground Scene. Act Cute
Dinner... But was feeling sick man.
Sunday: went to eat prata bomb after filming at Amos's house. Only 5 of us though, Me, Amber, Eunice, Jerald and It was super sweet like hell la! lol. Can die sia. But was great fun.
Our prata bomb.
The Guys.
Jerald. XD
Eunice. =)
Darren looks freaking bored
Amber stop playing with phone
Taiwanese yang wa
Hmmm... i think i see some alien in the sky. hahaha.
teh peng is awesome! XD
Chickens crossing the
Don't talk with your mouths full.
Should i or shouldn't i?lol.
Failed attempt
Sorta better
We finished it all! and nearly got sent to in all had tons of fun. With lots and lots of nonsense jokes all the way home.haha.