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Hey hey! its vesak day I don't celebrate it so in other words...its a holiday for me! haha. Woke up at like 11 plus this morning and got up and started to do my work.haha so guai rite? haha.. kiddin. did CATS and Medsoc debate thingy and sent dem off to Fang and Dinesh already. Then believe it or not, i actually did my i media logo! haha. Totally on my own summore! hee hee. It amazes me the things that i can do.haha. kiddin. Gonna have a bbq later with all the family friends and family of course! haha. Super happy. Thank God for such awesome weather now. I'm praying that it won't rain anymore and that it'll stay cool!
o ya! and i changed my blog skin and all ystd! Super happy with it. Thanks Fang Ling for helping! hee hee. loves! XD
I have like a Medsoc and Marketing test on mon and i totally haven' t even studied for them yet. so i'm gonna chiong it like tommorow or something. hopefully i'll like at least pass and get the dam 20% hah. or i'll be so *crosses fingers* hope it'll be easy with my last minute studying. Better get my ass moving before it gets kicked. lol. I'm out! =)
Hey hey! it's wednesday already man! whoo hoo! middle of the week and tomorrow's a holiday! haha. yay! Sitting here with my CATS group people doing our 30 ideas project thing.haha. Quite retarded la CATS.haha. But o well. at least its a time for me to relax in class.Its actually one of like the few lessons that i totally can shut my ears to.haha. Didn't have school yesterday so Dawn and I went out around town to take photos of random stuff to do our graph comm brochure. haha. Super fun! We went to National Museum to look at the exhibits and scared ourselves out of our wits at the Living Galleries.haha. Everyone should so totally go and walk through the living galleries at night.haha. Super We also took like tons and tons of nonsense pictures and TRIED to study at Coffee Bean. I did my CATS stuff la.. but Dawn totally didn't study. haha. We ended up talking crap and making noise at Coffee Bean instead.haha.For your viewing pleasure :)
Shoes are meant for feet.
I didn't touch any! haha.
This 3D model thing is awesome!
Head chopped
" Where's the Green?" chair.
Dawn and I. =)
Dawn looks spastic.
jumping for joy!
Film = fun = my life. XD
Dawn and I
"I'm sorry but the machine is currently unavailable. Pls proceed on! " haha.
The National Museum.
The Singapore Arts Museum.
Dangling Lights.
On Sunday had church den took many many photos also with the gang.haha. Both at youth service and at Charmant's baptism! O ya! Congrats my lady on your declaration of faith!Tessa and her long long
The 3 of us! XD
Sarah,Tess and me!
The Sulky emo
Cheena emo peeps.haha.
Cousin Itch no 2! from the adams family! haha.
the 3 of us once again.
Sulky sulky you!
Me and Mel. =)
Me and Canoe crazy ass! haha.
The group.
The line of maddness! haha.
we got pushed! haha.. Thanks rach! haha.
All of us!
Rach is macho! haha.
Don't mess with her.haha.
Today was like a super cramped day la. Went to church today and did JSS. Thank God the kids enjoyed it.haha. SSS was fun too cos we sat on the floor and learnt more about the Kalangan Ministry in the Philippines. Which was quite cool cos i've ever heard of my maid talk about the many problems over there and it kinda touched me that God is reaching out to those people over there. Then went to Civil Service club to have my TKD grading.haha. OMGoodness! i was super happy when i finished my pattern cos i actually remembered it and did it correctly! haha. or at least i didnt think i made much
After grading, met Kas to do my graph comm logos cos i totally needed help with illustrator! I suck so bad at it la.haha. he actually managed to help me complete my Diginet logo and i'm elated! haha. Den rushed over to church again to witness Charmant and 14 other people's baptism. Its really touching to see so many people coming out to declare their love for God. I'm sooooo gonna get baptised soon too.haha. I love God! After dinner the girls and i took like tons of nonsense shots la. I'll be uploading them when i have the time too, cos now busy doing other stuff and gonna go to bed soon.. But i'll get to it! haha.
O ya! Sarah gave me this awesome Shrek toy that burps from Mac! haha. Its Uber cute! haha. XD
Thank God for today! We had such an awesome time filming today. Everything actually went all smoothly and we finished like wayyyyyyyy ahead of schedule! Yay! Cindy totally didn't turn up for the shoot at all so i don't know how we're going to put her name inside. Will probably tell Mr Vijay about it all. haha. I think its totally irresponsible of her to just not turn up all of a sudden and totally cut off all connections with all the groups that she has projects with. But then again who am I to judge her rite? so I's just going to leave it as it is and let her get in trouble by herself.Haha. Anyways had tons and tons of fun shooting today. I didnt even know my dad could act so well. haha. I should like send him to act in mediacorp or He might make it big as some old man actor you know. lol. Tat and Charmant did an awesome job at filming too. And i still owe them ice cream. CHARMANT I PROMISE I'LL BUY YOU ICE CREAM! haha.
Having TKD grading tomorrow and meeting up with Kason to do the logos for graph comm. hope that i'll be able to do it well so that i can like get it over and done with and throw it all back at KK.Haha. Then my worries are over! lol. Hope that the JSS kids will like my activity too cos i really dont know how to entertain them.haha. *cross my fingers and toes!* haha. till later... peace out! Ciao! XD
It was awesome filming with them! XD
I'm strong k! haha. The Boom!
I am the camera (wo)man. lol
Went to KAP this morning with dawn and gang to do marketing once I must say that although its super last minute work but we still managed to pull through without getting into much Thank God Jenny low didn't kill us.haha. Anyways was super horrible today cos Cindy of cos didnt show up again and is forever uncontactable so we dont even know if she'll show up tomorrow at the shoot or not. Then had tons of actor problems also cos my actor But o well thank god for Charmant cos she totally saved me by agreeing to act. I think God really provides when you ask for it. Had a huge argument with my parents over nothing also just because of this stupid acting wadeva nonsense.haha. so stupid. Anyways went to watch Pirates ystd and i must say that it was quite disappointing actually. thought it would have been much better since it was the end of the trilogy but it ended up quite confusing and i got lost like But had tons of fun just hanging out with the guys and stuff so all in all it was great fellowship i guess.haha. anyways gotta go now. have shooting in a few hours time and i hope it goes well! haha. nite XDAww..Shrek ears are all they need to complete
Darren looks reluctant.haha
kason looks spastic. Then again he's just his normal
I was caught off guard
WTH they actually sell these signs.haha.
Had a bad day today la. wa lau. dropped my mac on the floor after hip hop lesson. sian... now its like the corner sort of popped up and stuff. super heart pain la. its like when the mac dropped and hit the floor i heard a "piak" sound and i was like o shit! Then at first thought nothing wrong but then when i checked it again i saw the damage done. Dinesh and i were like o crap kinda thing la.haha. and of all the things to ask me earlier in the day Dinesh asked me how many times i;ve dropped my mac and i still said none proudly la. I guess it doesn't apply to me anymore. sob sob. haha.
But... on the other hand, I finally found a nici cow thingy to hang on my phone! whoo! haha. was super happy la when i found then mummy bought it for me... so nice rite? haha. Just finished my script writing for locvid and I think kason and tat are sooooo gonna kill me when they see what we're going to make them do but nvm. TAT AND KAS! I'LL BUY YOU LUNCH AND BEN & JERRY'S! haha. I promise. You guys are awesome! I'm praying that we'll end early la. should be able to.The thing that made my day. =D
Shu Hui and I. Shrek ears are cool.
Shu and Scooby-moo!
I love nerds!
Ain't Mr Choy cool? lol.
Nat's so
Its her shirt really.haha.
I love nerds. i really XD