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I'm pissed people. PISSED PISSED PISSED. Thus! i have changed my blog to pls go there from now on!
Woah i just realized i haven't blogged in like a whole week Been out everyday since i started work. So once i'm back home i dont exactly have the energy to blog anymore.haha. Anyways had baptism interview this morning. Everyone! its confirmed! come down to BKC on the 30th of Sept to witness my baptism! helped Sarah to do her last min project crap today. Chiong like mad only. " lady! you owe me lunch!!! hahaha." den after that went to Hard Rock cafe for dinner. Mama Mia! Boy did we stuff ourselves full! Could barely walk after dinner. Went with Ah yee, Ross, Lisoon, Matthew, Aunty jennie and the rest of my family. Was awfully fun! Took tons of photos which i promise promise promise will be up! haha. Celebrated mum and dad's 18th wedding anniversary. So they like tied balloons and all to their chairs. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MUM & DAD! YOU GUYS ARE THE MOST AWESOME PARENTS IN THE WORLD!!!! LOVES! <3
Anyways its back to the computer again once i got home. Had a cuzzie gathering online. We're heading on out! KTV ppl! haha. Yes! i love. they are awesomely hilarious and are cracking me up with their nonsensical jokes. Wee's gonna have a chalet for his 21st and i wish in all the best in finding one! hahaha. Cousins = LOVE. XD. More later up. With all the photos. K drama for now! ciao! lol.
Cutting off my precious hair doesn't hurt me. It was such an unfulfilling day.. we were meant to go to the beach, exercise, cut our hair. And all we did was cut our hair, walk around parkway and Fat food at that. KFC! haha. Did a tiny lil bit of exercise and daydreamed alot. photos up later. =)
Daydreaming is a habit that cannot be helped. It makes you think about everything happening to you. All the things that have, gonna and wish to happen to you. I realized that my life much a bore at the moment. Happy on the outside with a longing on the inside. The emptiness inside of me is starting to make my mind go in circles. Whilst i enjoy life each and everyday on the outside, living life to fullest, yet there is this longing for God to fill the place. The place of a pillow on the bus. I guess my words came out too fast when i made that vow last time. The longing to want to cling onto something and hug on it like a teddy bear. But i know that God has his time and his purpose and i pray dear Jesus that you will provide for me. XD
ACME ACME! sounds like some time bomb! haha. Reminds me of road It actually is the Asian Civilization Museum at Empress Located near the mouth of the Singapore River and my new working area! I love the ambiance there la. Scenery is nice. Tons of tourists. gonna take loads and loads of photos during lunch working at the Museum shop again. Went down on Sat to help work cos Serene was short of staff.ended working with Mel. She's hell of alot of fun to work with man. I'm so excited to start officially on Tues for the next one month. The shop is like humongous yay! ok ok. enough for now! lol.
My New
i like this photo's nice nice shades!
I sometimes think my parents are like the most hilarious people in the world. They decided yesterday after aunty alice and family came over at like 11, that they wanted to go off to the movies to watch 881. Was a good show if not for the fact that we were sitting in the 2nd Its amazing to see the amount of people watching a midnight movie on a sat nite where the tix are like 10 bucks per person. Every single show was selling fast and all the theatres were filled to the brim. it was just really Now I know what all Singaporeans do at 12am on a Sunday Go to the movies.
This post is long overdue. 3 days have passed already but the happiness of that reunion is still stuck in me. Constantly grinning to myself and thinking of the fun we had, awesome Billy Bombers and stupid Meetin you guys made my day, week, month.whatever time span.haha. Garlics Rocks my Socks! haha.
A sense of nostalgia set into me as i step back into the walkway of NAS. Greeted by many people both seniors, juniors and teachers, I felt a sense of happiness as i walk. I'm still remembered! Good or bad.haha. (kiddin kiddin) Finally able to meet both 4R6 and the Garlics on the same day is a great great feeling. Feel as if we've not left each other and the friendships are still as strong as ever. Meeting the teacher's were fun too! The look on their beaming faces as all their ex students come back for a visit and they are swimming around in a whole pool of presents given to them. Teacher's day must feel like another birthday to them! haha. Anyways photos speak more so here they 4R6 2006! <3
Literature students! and Mrs Sim!
Our Rockstar! wahaha.Mel looks uber cute in PJs! haha.
Went out with the gang after to Billy Bombers where we freakin ate a whopping 190 bucks worth of lunch!haha. But it was quite ok la.considering the number we Played pool afterwards and boy do i suck hell alot at it. But so does Tat! So i dont feel so stupid! hahaha. The guys lied! They all said they sucked and what happened? All rock as that stupid Anyways, i shall say it here. That the garlics will have a MAJOR gathering at the age of 30! I promise! and i'll not forget!Foursome!
My Amigos. XD
Luke was nice to lend me his Mp3 and huge
Kenneth and his awesome
look at tat and his
You're the ladies choice!! yeah the ladies choice....O man! the songs are never ending.. The tunes keep running over and over in your head. Its addictive, its irritating yet, there's this thing in you that makes you want MORE MORE MORE! Ahhhh.. Dawn! you've got me hooked onto this movie already! haha. Zac Efron is totally HOT in this movie i swear. I once thought he was this High School Musical boy who couldn't sing for nuts. But now, I see a whole new light to Nickki Blosky (or whatever her name is) is going to be the next biggest star in America and I so totally admire John Travolta right now. He did so well acting as Edna, wearing dresses and dancing in heels! Hairspray is a total must watch for everyone. It teaches one on the importance of integration between the differences between people. Fat,skinny, black, white etc... Talks about no discrimination and best of all,it gives hope to all fat girls, like me that YOU ARE ABLE TO MAKE THE GUY OF YOUR DREAMS FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU! lol.
It was over to Ikea after that to get some pressies for teachers. Dawn and I embarrassed ourselves once again when we chased after a stupid shuttle bus that just drove off. haha. But anyways Thank God we didnt stupidly take Bus 72 and get lost. We managed to get some shopping done and yes! mumsy is back in town with tons of pressies! Thanks mum! I love you! dad too! hahha. I fed your Goldfish! haha.
I'm totally sorry for the things i did and i hope we'll never ever drift apart...
As i wonder along this long narrow road called life, i begin think of all the times we had together. Sad or happy,tears of laughter, joy, sadness.. All our stupid jokes. Garlic mascots.. Nonsensical racist shit... Everything. I miss them all. Each of us live our own lives now.. but every now and then, i think back of those memorable times that we used to have and it never fails to being a smile back to my face. Even if i look like the most idiotic person on the bus because i think of what we used to do on bus 28, i dont really care. The stupid things and the smelly dude at the busstop. My birthday party gatherings and pushing each other into the pool. DAM! i want those times back. and i just wana tell you my friends, that...
YOU GUYS ARE DEARLY MISSED! I can't wait for friday!!